Fear Riddles
Here you find our popular collection of fear riddles and other interesting and fun fear puzzles and brain teasers of all kinds. To solve the puzzles, you have to let your imagination run wild and see beyond logic to find the correct answer!
If will follow you for 1000 miles but not miss home. It desires neither food nor flowers. It fears not water, fire, knives, nor soldiers. But it disappears when the sun sets behind the western mountains. Who Am I?
Category: Easy Riddles, Who Am ITopics: Fear, Flower, Food, Mountain
It can not be seen whenever it's there
Category: Poem RiddlesTopics: Air, Darkness, Fear
It fills up a room, it's much like the air.
It can not be touched, there's nothing to hear
It is quite harmless, there's nothing to fear.
Red through and through, it has no mouth. But it eats many things; it fears water but not wind.
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Color, Fear, Water
What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
Category: Holiday Riddles, PunsTopics: Fear, Santa Claus