Food Riddles
Here you find our popular collection of food riddles and other interesting and fun food puzzles and brain teasers of all kinds. To solve the puzzles, you have to let your imagination run wild and see beyond logic to find the correct answer!
A container without hinges, lock or a key, yet a golden treasure lies inside me. What am I?
Category: Who Am ITopics: Food
Brothers, all pair up; Bodies firm and tall. You only care to eat the solid food, And don’t care to eat the soup.
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Family, Food
Farmer Brown came to town with some watermelons. He sold half of them plus half a melon and found that he had one whole melon left. How many melons did he take to town?
Category: Math RiddlesTopics: Food
Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?
Category: What I AmTopics: Fire, Food, Water
Hat has to be broken before you can use it?
Category: Riddles for KidsTopics: Food
How can you tell when there is an elephant in your sandwich?
Category: Animal Riddles, Wacky RiddlesTopics: Elephant, Food
How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Eye, Food, Rabbit
I am your best friend.
Category: Animal Riddles, Riddles for KidsTopics: Cat, Dog, Food, Friend
My wet nose sniffs for food,
I have 4 legs and a tail.
I love to play & chase cats.
Who Am I?
If there are three apples and you take two away, how many apples do you have?
Category: Math RiddlesTopics: Apple, Food
If will follow you for 1000 miles but not miss home. It desires neither food nor flowers. It fears not water, fire, knives, nor soldiers. But it disappears when the sun sets behind the western mountains. Who Am I?
Category: Easy Riddles, Who Am ITopics: Fear, Flower, Food, Mountain
It looks green, it opens red. What you eat is red, but what you spit out is black.
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Color, Food, Fruit
Take off my skin, I won't cry, but you will. What Am I?
Category: What I AmTopics: Food
They are twin sisters, same height; they work in the kitchen, arm in arm. Whatever is cooked, they always try it first.
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Family, Food
What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food, Winter
What do you break before you use it?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food
What do you get when you cross a fish and drumsticks?
Category: Animal Riddles, Cross RiddlesTopics: Fish, Food
What do you get when you cross a lemon and a cat?
Category: Animal Riddles, Cross RiddlesTopics: Cat, Food
What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food, Pumpkin
What goes in dry and hard, but comes out wet and soft?
Category: Dirty RiddlesTopics: Food
What has no beginning, end, or middle?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food
What is a Cheerleader's favorite food?
Category: Puns, Sporting RiddlesTopics: Cheerleader, Food
What is an astronaut’s favorite meal?
Category: Puns, Wacky RiddlesTopics: Food
What type of cheese is made backwards?
Category: Riddles for KidsTopics: Food
What you call a witch at a beach?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food
What’s long and hard and has cum in it?
Category: Dirty RiddlesTopics: Food
When does an Indian Potato changes its nationality?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food, Indian
Why do basketball players love donuts?
Category: Sporting RiddlesTopics: Basketball, Donut, Food
Why do rabbits eat carrots?
Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Food, Rabbit
Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?
Category: Holiday RiddlesTopics: Easter, Egg, Food
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
Category: Miscellaneous RiddlesTopics: Food