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Animal Riddles

Here you will find interesting and fun animal riddles, sayings and puzzles of all kinds. To solve the puzzles, you have to let your imagination run wild and see beyond logic to find the correct answer!

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Never trust this fellow’s grin. His teeth are sharp and course, his blood’s as cold as icicles, and he’ll show no remorse! What is it?

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Category: Animal Riddles, What Is ItTopics: Crocodile

The alphabet goes from A to Z. What goes from Z to A?

Category: Animal Riddles, Wacky RiddlesTopics: Alphabet, Zebra

There were two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck, and one duck in the middle. How many ducks were there in total?

Category: Animal Riddles, Riddles for KidsTopics: Duck

There’s a key that opens no doors but fills your stomach, what key is it?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Holiday RiddlesTopics: Key, Thanksgiving Day, Turkey

This guy runs fast but cannot stand. People ride this horse that never eats grass. What Is It?

Category: Animal Riddles, What Is ItTopics: Horse, Vehicle

To you, rude would I never be,
Though I flag my tongue for all to see.

Category: Animal Riddles, Classical riddlesTopics: Dog

Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees. How many T’s in that?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Letter RiddlesTopics: Turtle

Two silk worms were in a race. Who won?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Sporting RiddlesTopics: Race, Worm

What animal do you think is the best at baseball?

Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Basball, Bat

What animal is best at hitting a baseball?

Category: Animal Riddles, Sporting RiddlesTopics: Baseball, Bat

What animal keeps the best time?

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Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Dog

What animal uses a nutcracker?

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Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Squirrel

What bird can lift the heaviest weight?

Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Bird

What bird can write?

Category: Animal Riddles, PunsTopics: Bird

What did the boy cat say to the girl cat on Valentine's Day?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Holiday Riddles, PunsTopics: Cat

What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?

Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Dog

What do bees do with their honey?

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Category: Animal Riddles, PunsTopics: Bee

What do monkeys sing at Christmas?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Holiday RiddlesTopics: Christmas, Moneky

What do squirrels give each other for Valentine’s Day?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Holiday RiddlesTopics: Squirrel, Valentine’s Day

What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Holiday Riddles, PunsTopics: Squirrel

What do you call a bear without an ear?

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Category: Animal Riddles, Letter RiddlesTopics: Bear

What do you call a bunny with a large brain?

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Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Brain, Bunny

What do you call a cat crossed with a fish?

Category: Animal Riddles, Cross RiddlesTopics: Cat, Fish

What do you call a cow that twitches?

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Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Cow

What do you call a dog that is left-handed?

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Category: Animal RiddlesTopics: Dog